Most Recent
Texas Commercial Debt Collection Laws
The collection of commercial debt is a specialized field. There are many laws that regulate the process that you should be aware of before attempting to collect [...]
Looking For A Houston Commercial Debt Collection Attorney?
Is your company struggling with commercial debt collection? It is important to find an attorney who specializes in commercial law. Now operating in Texas, BBLaw can help [...]
Laws That Protect Mental Health Patients
There are many laws that protect mental health patients. Mental health patients have many rights that other people don't have. For example, if you are in the [...]
Alternative Finance
Legal Guidelines For An Alternative Financial Transaction
Fintechs and other nonbanks are required to provide consumer-style disclosures when offering to extend the financing for [...]
Why Your MCA Business Needs Legal Advice
Any business can benefit from MCA, but your MCA business benefits from legal advice more than you [...]
What Are Alternative Financial Transactions?
Alternative financial services: AFS applies technology to improve economic activities and offer alternative modes of transactions. AFS’s [...]
Legal Information
What Is A Collection Law Firm?
A collection law firm is an ethical team that helps you handle customers who don't pay their [...]
The Premier Debt Collection Law Firm In NYC
Are you looking for the best debt collection law firm in NYC? Look no further! Our legal [...]
What Is A Debt Collection Attorney?
A debt collection attorney is a lawyer that may help you design legal tactics for collecting debts [...]
Most Recent Continued
How To Find A Commercial Litigation Attorney In NYC
When you require the services of a commercial litigation attorney in NYC, it is critical to understand how to locate the best one for your needs. When making your decision, there are a few factors [...]
Best Commercial Litigation Firm In White Plains New York
When selecting a business Commercial Litigation Firm in White Plains, there are numerous aspects to consider. The first thing to think about is your previous experience. Finding a business with a proven track record in [...]
5 Things To Know About The Commercial Collections Process
In a case, when the agreed-upon products and goods are supplied to another company, commercial debt collection starts. The customer or borrower owes money for the fulfillment of the arrangement, according to a written contractual [...]
Important Things To Know About Commercial Litigation
It can be challenging to get involved in a commercial dispute if you lack the right resources. The field of commercial litigation is extensive, and lawyers working in this field have devoted themselves to their [...]
Commercial Collection Laws in Queens, New York
New York State has its own commercial debt collection laws and federal laws. New York recently changed its debt collection laws to give consumers more protection. In August of 2015, the new rules went into [...]
Commercial Litigation In Brooklyn, New York
Any business requires the services of a Commercial Litigation Attorney. Attorneys are vital members of the business who can assist you in a variety of ways. Allow a commercial litigation attorney to handle legal matters [...]
How Many Litigation Law Firms Are In New York City?
Exactly how many litigation law firms are in New York City. Litigation Lawyers and Solicitors, sometimes known as Litigators, specialize in resolving disputes between individuals and businesses and are in charge of representing claimants or [...]
When Should A Company Pursue Commercial Litigation?
Most companies make a significant decision when deciding whether to go to court to resolve a disagreement. There are several alternatives for resolving legal disputes, such as mediation or arbitration, and litigation is often the [...]
Best Commercial Litigation Firm In Rockland County
BBlaw firm supports businesses and individuals throughout Rockland County and New York State. We are the best commercial litigation firm in Rockland County and our record shows it. Our clients are entrepreneurs, investors, partnerships, and [...]
Why Would Someone Need A Commercial Collections Attorney?
We've developed a vigorous, cost-effective legal approach as commercial collections attorney team. This approach involves guarding your rights as a secured creditor and administering your rights under all applicable laws, including the Livery Commercial Code. [...]
Difference Between Business Litigation And Civil Cases?
Litigation is a process where one hires a professional lawyer to resolve the issues that are going on in their organization or home. Two main categories fall under the litigations named as business litigation and civil cases. [...]
What is High Court Litigation?
The high court is known to be as judiciary head at the state level. The high courts of India have the power to imply litigations on civil, appellate, original, criminal, ordinary as well as extra-ordinary [...]
What is Business Litigation?
If you are facing any legal disputes in your company with other companies then you need to know what is business litigation? So, business litigation is a kind of legal process where the issues of [...]
Is Merchant Cash Advance Legal In California?
You may have come across merchant cash advances as a source of funding in case your company has ever required extra cash to function in the short term or expand. While contemplating this option, you [...]
Legal Advice For Handling Shareholder Disputes
Everyone beginning a business venture wants it to succeed and grow at each step of the way. The problem comes in when shareholders differ on achieving this success, causing disputes at some point. Shareholder disputes [...]
The 3 Biggest Commercial Litigation Cases in New York History
Civil litigation decisions affect the daily operations if it does not lead to closure. The following are the 3 biggest commercial litigation cases in New York; though they are not the only one’s worth mentioning, [...]