Disputes are inescapable once you are in the process of conducting business. Conflicts can stem from various sources, including competitors, regulatory authorities, distributors, lenders, or customers.

Commercial (or business) litigation, as an area characterized by its participants, encompasses a wide range of legal proceedings and conflicts. It typically occurs when one party seeks to enforce, safeguard, or defend or dispute a legal claim relating to their business.

Commercial Litigation Cases

Commercial litigation has a broad reach, encompassing practically every form of conflict that might emerge in doing business. They can be applied to any business issue. Commercial litigation or settlements refer to when two or more parties use legal processes to resolve a dispute over commercial transactions.

What Is Commercial Litigation vs. Civil Litigation

Civil cases are ones in which a defendant is not facing criminal charges. When parties are involved in non-criminal legal disputes, civil litigation arises. A commercial case is when two or more businesses are engaged in a commercial conflict. Commercial lawsuits or insurance claims can thus be thought of as a part of civil litigation.

In a nutshell, commercial litigation refers to any legal proceedings based on business transactions. Among the most common instances are:

Deceptive And Fraudulent Practices

Deceptive activities such as false advertising, selling hazardous or faulty items under another company’s brand name, and other dishonest acts are common when a firm is unethical in its representations of its products or services. If your company’s secret is uncovered and has the potential to harm your firm, this also applies.

Furthermore, if your firm’s data is breached because it is beneficial to rivals, this is a privacy violation, significantly if the information shared outside the organization devalues your business in any way.

The Abuse of Trust can be litigated commercially if someone within your company has access to sensitive information that, if revealed, might impair the worth of your organization.

Intellectual property (IP) disputes

Intellectual Property lawsuits, like contract violations, may seem clear cut:

  • Copyrights
  • Trademarks
  • Patents
  • Trade secrets

To many, it seems as follows: one company owns the intellectual property, another uses it without permission, the intellectual property owner sues, and we are off and running. However, IP litigation is generally less complex than securities trials, even though they are far from simple. The court’s job is to analyze and figure out whether there was an infraction and, if so, how much the aggrieved party is eligible for compensation.

Mattel Inc., for instance, sued Micro-Games America Entertainment (MGA Entertainment), the creators of Bratz dolls, in 2008. Mattel claimed that Carter Bryant, the inventor of Bratz, had thought up Bratz while working at Mattel. Bryant’s work contract granted Mattel all rights, titles, and interests in his ideas, including:

  • Discoveries
  • Improvements
  • Processes
  • Developments
  • Designs
  • Data
  • Computer programs

Bryant’s work contract granted Mattel all rights, titles, and interests in his ideas, including

The two firms fought in court for the next three years over whether such conditions might cover ideas Bryant made while underemployment.

The court first ruled against Micro-Games America in 2008, giving Mattel US$100 million in restitution and basically prohibiting MGA from distributing its dolls after that. However, they eventually convinced the court in 2009 to overturn that ruling. Finally, MGA won its appeal in 2011, and they were granted over $300 monetary damages and expenses.

commercial litigation

Employer-Employee Disagreements

Both federal and state laws govern employees’ connections with their employers.

Workers may have responsibilities to your company, such as preserving corporate secrets. You can sue them if they sell these secrets to your rivals. It means you can sue them if they sell these secrets to your competitors.

However, you must also guarantee that you comply with pay and hour requirements and anti-discrimination standards. You may be prosecuted if your workers think you have behaved unjustly.

Violations Of Non-Compete Agreements

Non-compete litigation involves contracts in which workers agree not to compete with their employer for a certain period. Non-compete lawsuits concerning these contracts have recently surged.

Non-compete clauses may contain many conditions, such as not soliciting trade from a former company’s clients or not releasing sensitive information.

Lawsuits Filed By Customers Alleging Violation Of Warranty Or Faulty Item

Most items come with implicit guarantees, such as a warranty of quality and suitability for the function for which the product is being used. You may also provide an expedited warranty on your items.

Breach of warranty and faulty product allegations may result in class action lawsuits, in which many plaintiffs join forces to sue your company.

Cases Of Contract Breach

Contracts between companies are a common feature of business life. These might be for in-house personnel or third-party service providers. All involved parties must have a clear grasp of these agreements and what occurs if a contract is breached.

Contract breaches may vary from minor flaws or inaccuracies within contractual agreements to failures to follow through on a service agreement. Breach incidents occur if:

  • A company refuses to carry out their contractual obligations
  • The job performed is flawed
  • A company fails to pay for services or refuses to pay within the time restrictions set
  • Products or services are not delivered
  • Services are not delivered on time, and there is no logical explanation

When parties can’t agree on how to resolve a professional violation, business litigation may be required. In case of a breach of agreement, the innocent party has the right to file a claim.

Violations Of Nondisclosure

Some jobs may require workers to sign non-disclosure arrangements, in which the signatory commits to keep specific sorts of information learned on the job secret. If the corporation discovers that the non-disclosure clause has been breached, it may seek a commercial lawsuit against the violation.

Discussed above are just but a few instances of the many different business lawsuits that may arise. If you need assistance with any commercial dispute, you should talk with a reputable business attorney.

Need help with commercial litigation? Reach out today for a free consolation!